HI. Back from the dead, and back to blogger. I guess there's just heck loads of stuff I wanna say but just now rather run away from it. And just hide it here, just for now. Probably forever. But just writing here. Well, I guess no one is reading this. So just gonna tell to my blogger buddy. Hahaha. HELLO DEAR BLOGGER DIARY. Thanks for being here.
"I hate how men and women think differently. Now for each question I ask, you have a perfectly sweet answer for me. Yet I'm constantly thinking you've came prepared, to save your own ass. As long as the answer is sweet, swoons me over, you're safe.. Even though they are all lies. But I'm not the kind of girl who will take in the sweetness. I'll actually scrap the icing, nice little fruits and chocolates away, and see whats really beneath it. And I really wish that beneath all the nice exterior, the inside of it is just as good, and pure, and true."
That following chunk is from Priscilla's blog. Yeah, I kind of agree to it. HMMM. Nothing much else to say. Just interfere. Heh. HAHAHA. Grass is always greener on the other side.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 9:02 PM
Hi Long Lost Blogger/Diary. Haha. I know I haven't been posting on you for quite sometime. I haven't forgotten about you, don't worry. I think about you almost everyday as I am using wordpress. Heh, okay enough the joke.
I just needed to type it down, type it down and cross my finger hope the feeling will be gone. I shall not think that the grass is greener. I shall not think the lyrics of 'Thinking of you' anymore. I'm just gonna type it out. Swallow the taste of bile on my tongue and get on with my life. Yeap, that's what I'm gonna do.
So the truth is I have been thinking about all this weird crushes and stuff that I had. Really long time ago. Those that draw back since like P3 like LWY. Haha. I doubt anyone can remember about it, probably not even YC. Haha. I guess it's some sort of influence. Some sort of lonesome that made me think about this and all that. Well, it's not like I'm getting tired of him or anything. It's just that I just thought about them. Mentality cheating. This word keep on cycling around my head. No, it's not. It's not. Not even a chance, not even a way. But it did made me think, if they were like him I guess I will end up like who I am now, typing about some silliest crushes that popped in my mind these few days. They don't matter. Yes, they don't. I shan't think about those absurd thoughts.
Cookiemonster, Short legs, jamwaffles, GZX, WPE, LWY, WJH, KTY, you all shall never ever ever ever ever - till infinity ever - enter my mind or dreams again. EVER. Okay. MIND STOP IT STOP THINKING.
Tooodles. It's much a struggles. And my battery is 20% heh. GREAT JOB. Toodles.
Friday, August 20, 2010 7:40 PM
HI. Back from the dead, and back to blogger. I guess there's just heck loads of stuff I wanna say but just now rather run away from it. And just hide it here, just for now. Probably forever. But just writing here. Well, I guess no one is reading this. So just gonna tell to my blogger buddy. Hahaha. HELLO DEAR BLOGGER DIARY. Thanks for being here.
"I hate how men and women think differently. Now for each question I ask, you have a perfectly sweet answer for me. Yet I'm constantly thinking you've came prepared, to save your own ass. As long as the answer is sweet, swoons me over, you're safe.. Even though they are all lies. But I'm not the kind of girl who will take in the sweetness. I'll actually scrap the icing, nice little fruits and chocolates away, and see whats really beneath it. And I really wish that beneath all the nice exterior, the inside of it is just as good, and pure, and true."
That following chunk is from Priscilla's blog. Yeah, I kind of agree to it. HMMM. Nothing much else to say. Just interfere. Heh. HAHAHA. Grass is always greener on the other side.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 9:02 PM
Hi Long Lost Blogger/Diary. Haha. I know I haven't been posting on you for quite sometime. I haven't forgotten about you, don't worry. I think about you almost everyday as I am using wordpress. Heh, okay enough the joke.
I just needed to type it down, type it down and cross my finger hope the feeling will be gone. I shall not think that the grass is greener. I shall not think the lyrics of 'Thinking of you' anymore. I'm just gonna type it out. Swallow the taste of bile on my tongue and get on with my life. Yeap, that's what I'm gonna do.
So the truth is I have been thinking about all this weird crushes and stuff that I had. Really long time ago. Those that draw back since like P3 like LWY. Haha. I doubt anyone can remember about it, probably not even YC. Haha. I guess it's some sort of influence. Some sort of lonesome that made me think about this and all that. Well, it's not like I'm getting tired of him or anything. It's just that I just thought about them. Mentality cheating. This word keep on cycling around my head. No, it's not. It's not. Not even a chance, not even a way. But it did made me think, if they were like him I guess I will end up like who I am now, typing about some silliest crushes that popped in my mind these few days. They don't matter. Yes, they don't. I shan't think about those absurd thoughts.
Cookiemonster, Short legs, jamwaffles, GZX, WPE, LWY, WJH, KTY, you all shall never ever ever ever ever - till infinity ever - enter my mind or dreams again. EVER. Okay. MIND STOP IT STOP THINKING.
Tooodles. It's much a struggles. And my battery is 20% heh. GREAT JOB. Toodles.
Winnie! CPS 1/2 2/2 3/4 4/4 5/5 6/5
CTSS 1D1 2D1!
11062009♥IqOaiX GOD'S CHILD!
Love me, hate me be my guest.
Have some originality, dumbass.
And superficial barbie dolls just shoo away.