Boo! Gahahaha. I am so super bored. I'm telling you - BORED LIKE B.O.R.E.D I'm so bored that I keep on doing Social Interview although the questions is kinda irritating me.
Haha. Recently have been thinking about something a lot. And meaning a lot is that it almost run in my mind every second. It's getting quite an obsessive obsession. Argh argh. I want to stop stop stop stop doing that. But I can't. And it feels wrong. Because you have someone that you love and the someone loves you too. And you are thinking about something else. OHDEAR! Obsessive obsession is making me liking rock song like Avenge Sevenfold. OHDEAR!
Nevermind. Shall stop crapping. Bye~ Hope I get over it soon :(
Saturday, November 28, 2009 4:38 PM
“Every girl needs a man. You know, the kind that’ll treat you right. The kind that has enough respect for you & is willing to change, just to be with you. The kind that searches for you with all his heart & that can be trusted in a room full of beautiful girls. Every girl needs a man who won’t cheat on her because he knows she’s got all that he wants & needs already. He won’t mind calling you early in the morning just to say good morning or late at night to say good night; maybe even sing you a good morning song & tell you a bedtime story or talk to you until you fall asleep. This guy will be the kind that’ll do anything for you, even if it’s to just go to the store & buy you your favorite kind of candy. He would defend & fight for you & wouldn’t bail on you for his friends when you need him most. The kind that won’t leave you lonely & wondering; the one that calls you surprisingly, even if he’s out with his friend, to just tell you that he loves & misses you a lot. The kind that isn’t afraid to smile to his friends every time you’re around & tell them, “She’s the one”. The kind that appreciates you for the things you do for him, even if they’re little. The ones that actually thank you for the little love notes you leave him, waits for you when you’re falling behind, & opens doors for you. Every girl needs a man who will take you out on dates once in awhile & buys you flowers just because it’s a Wednesday. The kind of guy that notices your hair when you just got it cut or done beautifully for him. He would remind you that he loves you & that he’s happy to be with you, just in case you forget. The kind that just doesn’t want kisses & hugs, but to actually be loved & to love. You deserve a guy that will call you beautiful instead of hot, who kisses your forehead when you’re down, tells you to be strong & to not cry, & when you do cry, he’d cry with you when times are hard. The kind that will go through thick & thin with & for you. The kind that just loves you for who you are & not for who you aren’t and loves you because you’re his favorite girl in the whole wide world.”
I'm tired of smiling at you when you are not looking. I'm tired of trying to make it work. I'm tired of trying to catch your glances. I'm tired of being upset because of you. I'm tired of trying to claim you as mine.
Friday, November 20, 2009 9:27 PM
I want I want!
I want this Bootie Wedges (Brown)! Super nice cans! But it is super freaking expensive $55 ley! This one also can. But it would be alot nice if it is leather. Okay, see this place -> Flyingcars Is all the things I want! The leather lace-up bootie wedges reminds me of Ice Skating.... I want go Ice skating someday :D
Saturday, November 14, 2009 9:56 PM
You'll be in my heart
我们从不开口那个言语 那一句我爱你 永远像少了勇气 别人都说 我和你之间的关系 没有人相信只有关心 我们从不正视那个问题 那一些是非题 总让人伤透脑筋 --- Thank you for today, Thank you for what you did at the carpark. Thank you for being the shoulder for me to cry on. Thank you for protecting me. Thank you. --- Today was a fun and enriching day. Went to library with mutton :D And READ A ZILLION BOOKS ON HISTORY. Super cool lah. But all the books is reference *sulk sulk* So cannot borrow out. Next time go there read again. Talked to mutton super much today. After that ate at some western foodie place at AIA building HAHA. Watched the last action hero. SUPER LOL. After that go back home. Super long break than can see mutton, like on the 25th. *sulk sulk* But at least not like field camp like that, can use hp. :DDDD Okay, goodbye. Ending here.
Friday, November 13, 2009 10:33 PM
So what if it hurts me? So what if I break down? So what if this world just throw me off the edge? My feet run of the ground?
I gotta find my place, I wanna hear my sound. Don't care about all the pain in front of me 'Cause I just trying to be happy, yea Just wanna be happy, yea. -Happy, Leona Lewis.
VH1 Divas. Rock Arse. Except for Miley - Constipated Cow (MUAHAHA) Serious, no offence fans. She just sing too hard. And her voice just go. WOAH WOAH. Ohwell, toodles. NOTHING MORE TO ADD.
10:53 AM
幾千のdestinies 運命なんて変えてみせる この両手で今僕に何ができるかな 動き出すfantasies 確かなものはここにある 信じることそれだけは誰にも負けない reach out from inside - Changin' Stephanie.
Haha, I'm gonna revive my blogger. Well, maybe it's not pretty much dead but just nobody reading it. Was bloghopping around this morning and saw Ho Ling's blog. Then I saw this post talking about MJ and the This Is It. What she say is so totally what I feel lah. There is just like a sudden bunch of people who popped out to be his fan. C'mon, don't be so hypocrite. You only like MJ because a lot people are doing so. Where were you when MJ was alive. Complaining about his plastic surgery? LOL.
Monday, November 9, 2009 11:58 PM
rotten apples.
Just looking back these past few months of getting close to someone in particular. Sometimes, when you look back at a particular time where you thought you were good, you find yourself actually being stupid. For example, A was angry with B for laughing at everything she do and stomped away angrily then a few months or years past A looks back and actually laugh and thinks that what she did was really stupid.
So now, take it in my shoes. I looked back, and what do I see. I don't really know exactly. Am I stupid? I think maybe. But I think at a certain point of time we never expected it to be that way, maybe not you but at least I didn't expect it to turn out like so twisted and wrong.
I'm not sad (maybe I am), but I am definitely not angry with anybody. I just feel very sorry for the way I have to end this in this way without letting you to say anything. Maybe you would think that what did you do wrong? I hope in some point of time you'll realize, and I do also hope that this wouldn't just be ending up like some rotten apples on the road side.
I was watching sex and the city today on HBO. And it was the quite starting season - Season One's ending and Season Two's head. And there was an episode I couldn't remember season one episode 12 or season two episode 1. Carrie was dumping Big for his lack of commitment. She was actually going to a holiday place with Big, but because the day (or the week before) Big couldn't introduce her to his mother as his girlfriend. She just feel very disappointed. Well, so she wanted him to tell her that he was his only one or somehow making a commitment to her. But he just couldn't. So she couldn't take it.
I cannot take it anymore. I really can't. I can't be just friends with somebody whom I do almost everything with. I can't take it to listen to somebody that tells his mum that he is going out with his friend although it's very clear that we are more than that. I know we have already talk through about this issue before. But at some point, I have to make it clear. You don't need to tell the whole world that you like me, but I just want to know that you do.
And at last all the pictures have been burned, all the past is just some lesson that we learned. -Don't forget, Demi Lovato.
Sunday, November 29, 2009 11:30 PM
obsessive obsession.
Boo! Gahahaha. I am so super bored. I'm telling you - BORED LIKE B.O.R.E.D I'm so bored that I keep on doing Social Interview although the questions is kinda irritating me.
Haha. Recently have been thinking about something a lot. And meaning a lot is that it almost run in my mind every second. It's getting quite an obsessive obsession. Argh argh. I want to stop stop stop stop doing that. But I can't. And it feels wrong. Because you have someone that you love and the someone loves you too. And you are thinking about something else. OHDEAR! Obsessive obsession is making me liking rock song like Avenge Sevenfold. OHDEAR!
Nevermind. Shall stop crapping. Bye~ Hope I get over it soon :(
Saturday, November 28, 2009 4:38 PM
“Every girl needs a man. You know, the kind that’ll treat you right. The kind that has enough respect for you & is willing to change, just to be with you. The kind that searches for you with all his heart & that can be trusted in a room full of beautiful girls. Every girl needs a man who won’t cheat on her because he knows she’s got all that he wants & needs already. He won’t mind calling you early in the morning just to say good morning or late at night to say good night; maybe even sing you a good morning song & tell you a bedtime story or talk to you until you fall asleep. This guy will be the kind that’ll do anything for you, even if it’s to just go to the store & buy you your favorite kind of candy. He would defend & fight for you & wouldn’t bail on you for his friends when you need him most. The kind that won’t leave you lonely & wondering; the one that calls you surprisingly, even if he’s out with his friend, to just tell you that he loves & misses you a lot. The kind that isn’t afraid to smile to his friends every time you’re around & tell them, “She’s the one”. The kind that appreciates you for the things you do for him, even if they’re little. The ones that actually thank you for the little love notes you leave him, waits for you when you’re falling behind, & opens doors for you. Every girl needs a man who will take you out on dates once in awhile & buys you flowers just because it’s a Wednesday. The kind of guy that notices your hair when you just got it cut or done beautifully for him. He would remind you that he loves you & that he’s happy to be with you, just in case you forget. The kind that just doesn’t want kisses & hugs, but to actually be loved & to love. You deserve a guy that will call you beautiful instead of hot, who kisses your forehead when you’re down, tells you to be strong & to not cry, & when you do cry, he’d cry with you when times are hard. The kind that will go through thick & thin with & for you. The kind that just loves you for who you are & not for who you aren’t and loves you because you’re his favorite girl in the whole wide world.”
I'm tired of smiling at you when you are not looking. I'm tired of trying to make it work. I'm tired of trying to catch your glances. I'm tired of being upset because of you. I'm tired of trying to claim you as mine.
Friday, November 20, 2009 9:27 PM
I want I want!
I want this Bootie Wedges (Brown)! Super nice cans! But it is super freaking expensive $55 ley! This one also can. But it would be alot nice if it is leather. Okay, see this place -> Flyingcars Is all the things I want! The leather lace-up bootie wedges reminds me of Ice Skating.... I want go Ice skating someday :D
Saturday, November 14, 2009 9:56 PM
You'll be in my heart
我们从不开口那个言语 那一句我爱你 永远像少了勇气 别人都说 我和你之间的关系 没有人相信只有关心 我们从不正视那个问题 那一些是非题 总让人伤透脑筋 --- Thank you for today, Thank you for what you did at the carpark. Thank you for being the shoulder for me to cry on. Thank you for protecting me. Thank you. --- Today was a fun and enriching day. Went to library with mutton :D And READ A ZILLION BOOKS ON HISTORY. Super cool lah. But all the books is reference *sulk sulk* So cannot borrow out. Next time go there read again. Talked to mutton super much today. After that ate at some western foodie place at AIA building HAHA. Watched the last action hero. SUPER LOL. After that go back home. Super long break than can see mutton, like on the 25th. *sulk sulk* But at least not like field camp like that, can use hp. :DDDD Okay, goodbye. Ending here.
Friday, November 13, 2009 10:33 PM
So what if it hurts me? So what if I break down? So what if this world just throw me off the edge? My feet run of the ground?
I gotta find my place, I wanna hear my sound. Don't care about all the pain in front of me 'Cause I just trying to be happy, yea Just wanna be happy, yea. -Happy, Leona Lewis.
VH1 Divas. Rock Arse. Except for Miley - Constipated Cow (MUAHAHA) Serious, no offence fans. She just sing too hard. And her voice just go. WOAH WOAH. Ohwell, toodles. NOTHING MORE TO ADD.
10:53 AM
幾千のdestinies 運命なんて変えてみせる この両手で今僕に何ができるかな 動き出すfantasies 確かなものはここにある 信じることそれだけは誰にも負けない reach out from inside - Changin' Stephanie.
Haha, I'm gonna revive my blogger. Well, maybe it's not pretty much dead but just nobody reading it. Was bloghopping around this morning and saw Ho Ling's blog. Then I saw this post talking about MJ and the This Is It. What she say is so totally what I feel lah. There is just like a sudden bunch of people who popped out to be his fan. C'mon, don't be so hypocrite. You only like MJ because a lot people are doing so. Where were you when MJ was alive. Complaining about his plastic surgery? LOL.
Monday, November 9, 2009 11:58 PM
rotten apples.
Just looking back these past few months of getting close to someone in particular. Sometimes, when you look back at a particular time where you thought you were good, you find yourself actually being stupid. For example, A was angry with B for laughing at everything she do and stomped away angrily then a few months or years past A looks back and actually laugh and thinks that what she did was really stupid.
So now, take it in my shoes. I looked back, and what do I see. I don't really know exactly. Am I stupid? I think maybe. But I think at a certain point of time we never expected it to be that way, maybe not you but at least I didn't expect it to turn out like so twisted and wrong.
I'm not sad (maybe I am), but I am definitely not angry with anybody. I just feel very sorry for the way I have to end this in this way without letting you to say anything. Maybe you would think that what did you do wrong? I hope in some point of time you'll realize, and I do also hope that this wouldn't just be ending up like some rotten apples on the road side.
I was watching sex and the city today on HBO. And it was the quite starting season - Season One's ending and Season Two's head. And there was an episode I couldn't remember season one episode 12 or season two episode 1. Carrie was dumping Big for his lack of commitment. She was actually going to a holiday place with Big, but because the day (or the week before) Big couldn't introduce her to his mother as his girlfriend. She just feel very disappointed. Well, so she wanted him to tell her that he was his only one or somehow making a commitment to her. But he just couldn't. So she couldn't take it.
I cannot take it anymore. I really can't. I can't be just friends with somebody whom I do almost everything with. I can't take it to listen to somebody that tells his mum that he is going out with his friend although it's very clear that we are more than that. I know we have already talk through about this issue before. But at some point, I have to make it clear. You don't need to tell the whole world that you like me, but I just want to know that you do.
And at last all the pictures have been burned, all the past is just some lesson that we learned. -Don't forget, Demi Lovato.
Winnie! CPS 1/2 2/2 3/4 4/4 5/5 6/5
CTSS 1D1 2D1!
11062009♥IqOaiX GOD'S CHILD!
Love me, hate me be my guest.
Have some originality, dumbass.
And superficial barbie dolls just shoo away.