Friday, August 28, 2009 7:15 PM
Love like this.
Went bloghopping.
Can see that I am super duper free.
Actually I should be studying, but I'm not :P (bleh!)
Drinking condensed milk - super unhealthy cans!
Bloghopped around.
Wonder why nowadays people make their blog reader list.
Like zillion of them do that,
- Mel, Simin, Ishwa.
And most important of all, THEY NEVER ADD ME IN THEIR LIST.
Bad bad bad bad bad!
Freaking irritated when blogger says" You are not invited to read this blog"
*roll eyes*
I want Kelly Clarkson's album!!
Like super duper wants wants can.
My wishlist is growing:
1. Kelly Clarkson's All I ever wanted Album CD+DVD
2. Pink Capri pants
4. New wallet :D
5. New school bag
6. PSP (the so-long-still-stuck-at-wishlist item)
Well well, back to usual typing style. Long sentences just don't fit me.
6:43 PM
Slap in the face
I wonder, how am I supposed to feel
When you're not here?
Cause I burned every bridge I ever built
When you were here
I still try holding on to silly things
I never learn.
-That's what you get, Paramore.
Why does it always happen like that,
when we do something wrong it feels so right.
But then when it all ends, my head starts to clear up
And I'm feel with guilt. It feels like a slap in the face.
Baby, thanks for everything.
But I think distance is really something we need to focus on.
I know I really like you, but can we really slow it down?
I'd really hope I wouldn't lose myself and end up with a broken and empty heart.
Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:50 PM
ohno, don't let me stop you
I used to be a little bit shy
I kept my deepest feelings inside
Speaking up to you about my
Emotions has always been hard
But this just can't wait
Tonight I feel a little bit brave
So I won't let one more day pass without you
Explaining what we are
This is gonna sound kind of silly
But I couldn't help but notice
The last time you kissed me
You kept both eyes opened
Baby can you tell me what does that mean?
If you're looking over your shoulder
Then you don't need to be with me
And I don't need to hold on
Don't let me stop you
From doing what you want to do
You don't wanna stick, trust me it's cool
Take no chance get over you
No no, don't let me stop you
If you wanna leave baby you can leave
Just don't pretend that you're into me
If it ain't true, no
Don't let me stop you
-Don't let me stop you.
If this is where you wanna go,
go then. Don't let me tie you down.
4:04 PM
stupid stupid stupid
Actually I didn't wanna post this title stupid. But well, the stupidest thing of all - INTERNET RADIO was seriously giving me such a hard time. All the stupidest songs. But well, nevermind about that. SHEEZH! The stupid radio songs made me forget what I wanted to post. TSK TSK.
Ahh! Nevermind about it then. This is plain stupid......
3:31 PM
Hush hush.
I don't want to stay another minute,
I don't want you say a single word.
Hush hush, hush hush. There is no other way.
I get the final say.
-Hush Hush, Pussycat dolls.
I WANT PINK CAPRI PANTS! I WANT PINK CAPRI PANTS! Hope I can do some shopping when I get my pay. Total of $8 dollars to spend (very LOL!) Cause $100 -$10 (offering) - $50 (saving) - $32 (for dead sea scrolls admission ticket) = $8. Still going macs tomorrow somemore. Nevermind. IT'LL BE ENOUGH FOR MY PENS, PANTS AND MACS! Heees. I should be studying now.....
Promised him, will study! SO I SHOULD! Can you believe it? SIMIN IS EVEN MUGGING NOW LAH! So that's mean = I MUST STUDY EVEN MORE! Hahahaha.
Okay, short post for today! BYE~
Monday, August 24, 2009 10:31 PM
Everday's valentine.
Ohgoshness, my lappy is showing blogger in a very distorted way.Sheezh, refreshed still no difference. Nevermind.
Hahaha, I just went to google "IqOaiX" and one of my blog post is at the third page. Gahahaha. Luckily he never thought of that, or else my blog will be exposed. Not saying that I don't want him to see it, but this blog is filled with too much love that one cannot comprehend.
GAHAHAHAHA! Shan't elaborate. Gonna study history! CHIONGSTERXZ!
Friday, August 21, 2009 7:55 PM
Come back to me.
WOAH! My desktop display blogger like hyperbad. Even more worse than my lappy. Gahhh. Currently listening to Come back to me by David Cook. ROCK ROCK ROCK! Nice nice! Went bloghopping just now, saw Joshua's Kehjun's Hidayah's Zac's. Well, someone is currently having some spamming pest. GAHAHAHAHA. Good luck manxzz.
He got his new bike. Lalalalala, happy for him. Cause cause he finally got his bike. Gahahahaha. Andand he is going homey. LADELAAA.
I WANT FOOD! Random much. Gahahahah. Shall go burn some chicken wings. Heees.
In this crazy messed up world,
We'll just look at the same direction and
we won't get lost.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:48 PM
what makes me smile
Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk! Pretty pissed off with someone right now.
When I need you to stand by me, where were you? Where the hell were you, shunning far far away from me. Now JUST GET LOST before a slap lands on your face manxz. You ignored me, pretended not to know me. Walking away, rejecting calls. Now, it's your turn to face what you did to me before. Goshness, just shut the freak up alrights? STOP TELLING ME YOU DIDN'T MEAN IT. Just SHUT UP.
Crap. My feeling is crap crap crap crap! Be mindful the person is not him. How could I ever get in such an argument with him. Super stinking. Then I haven't do my homework yet. SHEEZH! I am procrastinating again. Gahhh! I need to go pick ferns. AHH AHH AHH!
3:27 PM
once upon a time.
Am home. Lalalalalala.
Today was quite fun. Yeapyeap, esp during maths where the lazy tongs frenzy began. Caught me laughing like crazy. FISHING ROD. Gahahahaha. I know some people think quite lame, but IT ROCKED OKAY.
Tsk tsk, now ghost month already. How I loathe loathe ghost month, cause of the endless burning of incense and some lame excuses will come popping out. I tell you ah, if someone go and track the pattern of increasing carbon dioxide then they compare to the lunar calendar ah. Whenever the people need to burn incense then the carbon dioxide will definitely up like crazy. So when scientist need to find out the cause of global warming, the answer is freaking obvious already. Control factory compare to control that kind of burning activities is so much more useful. First they cut trees to make the paper money, then they burn them polluting the air. Some sort of environmental friendly activities eh.
Ahh, enough of that already. Later people sue me siah. Hahahaha. Okey dokey. Shall go find something to makan. Ladeelaaa.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:51 PM
you have stolen my heart,
you have stolen my heart.
-Stolen, Dashoboard Confession.
Currently in fave with some goth rock (or rather should say soft rock?) Well, there's a song pretty much obvious at the front - Stolen by Dashboard Confession. It's pretty nice though the lyrics don't make much sense and my sis says its weird. But hey, whatever my choice alrights.
With a cup of green tea with lots lots honey (I'm going diabetic soon manxzz)Gonna study soon. Sheezh! TOTALLY TIRED AND CRAZY WITH ALL THAT STUDYING. Tsk tsk. Tests, one after another. Some sort of life I have manxzz. Tomorrow got History test!!!! Arghhhh.
Tuning my crazy, messed up life with computer and sms interrupting to I-AM-SO-IN-LOVE-WITH-STUDYING life. Somehow I think after the December holidays(last year) and June holiday (this year) I have hardly tune back to the I-AM-SO-IN-LOVE-WITH-STUDYING mode. So time to tune back.
Hello Jiaxuan.
XOXO, I saw Joanne today!!! But didn't say Hi to her. Well well, too bad and goodbyes.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:23 PM
never say never
Don't let me pass you by,
don't let me just pass you by so ever easily.
Saturday, August 15, 2009 12:46 PM
dream or reality
Just watch my wildest dream come true,
not one of them involving
-Misery Buisness, Paramore
This is weird.
Wayward weird.
Macdonald's seriously kill brain cells,
and will drive people to some funny thoughts.
Current question: Is it a dream or reality?
I don't even have time to slap myself in the face.
Possibly I didn't think of that.
Is it a dream or reality?
Yesterday morning already had something similar dream.
I know it's a dream cause he is not sleeping beside me right.
But this time he is.
Then I don't know manxzzz.
Weird weird weird.
I listened to Misery Business by Paramore lately.
Remembered that I once used one of the lyrics make sarcastic jokes to
Just watch my wildest dream come true manxzz.
No mood, bad mood.
Stinking mood.
I just go to sleep larhss.
Tsk tsk.
Friday, August 14, 2009 9:00 PM
only hear the good stuff.
Today is so so rockin' fun.
And there's still more.
but shan't kope and be copycat.
green green exit.
Green green tree.
Green green grass.
Too bad Mr.S isn't there today.
It is so super easy to guess that he also guessed it today
He was like: What is the green green thing about anyways?
I was like: (Ohno how I explain) There's a guy in HMT that likes green. And ummm.
He was like: Oh, then she like the guy right.
I was like: Hahahaha.
Freakass easy to guess ahh.
Shan't disclose much about who is that.
He is coming over again later.
Only hear the good stuff and the love songs.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:23 AM
The man who can't be moved
Friday, August 28, 2009 7:15 PM
Love like this.
Went bloghopping.
Can see that I am super duper free.
Actually I should be studying, but I'm not :P (bleh!)
Drinking condensed milk - super unhealthy cans!
Bloghopped around.
Wonder why nowadays people make their blog reader list.
Like zillion of them do that,
- Mel, Simin, Ishwa.
And most important of all, THEY NEVER ADD ME IN THEIR LIST.
Bad bad bad bad bad!
Freaking irritated when blogger says" You are not invited to read this blog"
*roll eyes*
I want Kelly Clarkson's album!!
Like super duper wants wants can.
My wishlist is growing:
1. Kelly Clarkson's All I ever wanted Album CD+DVD
2. Pink Capri pants
4. New wallet :D
5. New school bag
6. PSP (the so-long-still-stuck-at-wishlist item)
Well well, back to usual typing style. Long sentences just don't fit me.
6:43 PM
Slap in the face
I wonder, how am I supposed to feel
When you're not here?
Cause I burned every bridge I ever built
When you were here
I still try holding on to silly things
I never learn.
-That's what you get, Paramore.
Why does it always happen like that,
when we do something wrong it feels so right.
But then when it all ends, my head starts to clear up
And I'm feel with guilt. It feels like a slap in the face.
Baby, thanks for everything.
But I think distance is really something we need to focus on.
I know I really like you, but can we really slow it down?
I'd really hope I wouldn't lose myself and end up with a broken and empty heart.
Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:50 PM
ohno, don't let me stop you
I used to be a little bit shy
I kept my deepest feelings inside
Speaking up to you about my
Emotions has always been hard
But this just can't wait
Tonight I feel a little bit brave
So I won't let one more day pass without you
Explaining what we are
This is gonna sound kind of silly
But I couldn't help but notice
The last time you kissed me
You kept both eyes opened
Baby can you tell me what does that mean?
If you're looking over your shoulder
Then you don't need to be with me
And I don't need to hold on
Don't let me stop you
From doing what you want to do
You don't wanna stick, trust me it's cool
Take no chance get over you
No no, don't let me stop you
If you wanna leave baby you can leave
Just don't pretend that you're into me
If it ain't true, no
Don't let me stop you
-Don't let me stop you.
If this is where you wanna go,
go then. Don't let me tie you down.
4:04 PM
stupid stupid stupid
Actually I didn't wanna post this title stupid. But well, the stupidest thing of all - INTERNET RADIO was seriously giving me such a hard time. All the stupidest songs. But well, nevermind about that. SHEEZH! The stupid radio songs made me forget what I wanted to post. TSK TSK.
Ahh! Nevermind about it then. This is plain stupid......
3:31 PM
Hush hush.
I don't want to stay another minute,
I don't want you say a single word.
Hush hush, hush hush. There is no other way.
I get the final say.
-Hush Hush, Pussycat dolls.
I WANT PINK CAPRI PANTS! I WANT PINK CAPRI PANTS! Hope I can do some shopping when I get my pay. Total of $8 dollars to spend (very LOL!) Cause $100 -$10 (offering) - $50 (saving) - $32 (for dead sea scrolls admission ticket) = $8. Still going macs tomorrow somemore. Nevermind. IT'LL BE ENOUGH FOR MY PENS, PANTS AND MACS! Heees. I should be studying now.....
Promised him, will study! SO I SHOULD! Can you believe it? SIMIN IS EVEN MUGGING NOW LAH! So that's mean = I MUST STUDY EVEN MORE! Hahahaha.
Okay, short post for today! BYE~
Monday, August 24, 2009 10:31 PM
Everday's valentine.
Ohgoshness, my lappy is showing blogger in a very distorted way.Sheezh, refreshed still no difference. Nevermind.
Hahaha, I just went to google "IqOaiX" and one of my blog post is at the third page. Gahahaha. Luckily he never thought of that, or else my blog will be exposed. Not saying that I don't want him to see it, but this blog is filled with too much love that one cannot comprehend.
GAHAHAHAHA! Shan't elaborate. Gonna study history! CHIONGSTERXZ!
Friday, August 21, 2009 7:55 PM
Come back to me.
WOAH! My desktop display blogger like hyperbad. Even more worse than my lappy. Gahhh. Currently listening to Come back to me by David Cook. ROCK ROCK ROCK! Nice nice! Went bloghopping just now, saw Joshua's Kehjun's Hidayah's Zac's. Well, someone is currently having some spamming pest. GAHAHAHAHA. Good luck manxzz.
He got his new bike. Lalalalala, happy for him. Cause cause he finally got his bike. Gahahahaha. Andand he is going homey. LADELAAA.
I WANT FOOD! Random much. Gahahahah. Shall go burn some chicken wings. Heees.
In this crazy messed up world,
We'll just look at the same direction and
we won't get lost.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:48 PM
what makes me smile
Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk! Pretty pissed off with someone right now.
When I need you to stand by me, where were you? Where the hell were you, shunning far far away from me. Now JUST GET LOST before a slap lands on your face manxz. You ignored me, pretended not to know me. Walking away, rejecting calls. Now, it's your turn to face what you did to me before. Goshness, just shut the freak up alrights? STOP TELLING ME YOU DIDN'T MEAN IT. Just SHUT UP.
Crap. My feeling is crap crap crap crap! Be mindful the person is not him. How could I ever get in such an argument with him. Super stinking. Then I haven't do my homework yet. SHEEZH! I am procrastinating again. Gahhh! I need to go pick ferns. AHH AHH AHH!
3:27 PM
once upon a time.
Am home. Lalalalalala.
Today was quite fun. Yeapyeap, esp during maths where the lazy tongs frenzy began. Caught me laughing like crazy. FISHING ROD. Gahahahaha. I know some people think quite lame, but IT ROCKED OKAY.
Tsk tsk, now ghost month already. How I loathe loathe ghost month, cause of the endless burning of incense and some lame excuses will come popping out. I tell you ah, if someone go and track the pattern of increasing carbon dioxide then they compare to the lunar calendar ah. Whenever the people need to burn incense then the carbon dioxide will definitely up like crazy. So when scientist need to find out the cause of global warming, the answer is freaking obvious already. Control factory compare to control that kind of burning activities is so much more useful. First they cut trees to make the paper money, then they burn them polluting the air. Some sort of environmental friendly activities eh.
Ahh, enough of that already. Later people sue me siah. Hahahaha. Okey dokey. Shall go find something to makan. Ladeelaaa.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:51 PM
you have stolen my heart,
you have stolen my heart.
-Stolen, Dashoboard Confession.
Currently in fave with some goth rock (or rather should say soft rock?) Well, there's a song pretty much obvious at the front - Stolen by Dashboard Confession. It's pretty nice though the lyrics don't make much sense and my sis says its weird. But hey, whatever my choice alrights.
With a cup of green tea with lots lots honey (I'm going diabetic soon manxzz)Gonna study soon. Sheezh! TOTALLY TIRED AND CRAZY WITH ALL THAT STUDYING. Tsk tsk. Tests, one after another. Some sort of life I have manxzz. Tomorrow got History test!!!! Arghhhh.
Tuning my crazy, messed up life with computer and sms interrupting to I-AM-SO-IN-LOVE-WITH-STUDYING life. Somehow I think after the December holidays(last year) and June holiday (this year) I have hardly tune back to the I-AM-SO-IN-LOVE-WITH-STUDYING mode. So time to tune back.
Hello Jiaxuan.
XOXO, I saw Joanne today!!! But didn't say Hi to her. Well well, too bad and goodbyes.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:23 PM
never say never
Don't let me pass you by,
don't let me just pass you by so ever easily.
Saturday, August 15, 2009 12:46 PM
dream or reality
Just watch my wildest dream come true,
not one of them involving
-Misery Buisness, Paramore
This is weird.
Wayward weird.
Macdonald's seriously kill brain cells,
and will drive people to some funny thoughts.
Current question: Is it a dream or reality?
I don't even have time to slap myself in the face.
Possibly I didn't think of that.
Is it a dream or reality?
Yesterday morning already had something similar dream.
I know it's a dream cause he is not sleeping beside me right.
But this time he is.
Then I don't know manxzzz.
Weird weird weird.
I listened to Misery Business by Paramore lately.
Remembered that I once used one of the lyrics make sarcastic jokes to
Just watch my wildest dream come true manxzz.
No mood, bad mood.
Stinking mood.
I just go to sleep larhss.
Tsk tsk.
Friday, August 14, 2009 9:00 PM
only hear the good stuff.
Today is so so rockin' fun.
And there's still more.
but shan't kope and be copycat.
green green exit.
Green green tree.
Green green grass.
Too bad Mr.S isn't there today.
It is so super easy to guess that he also guessed it today
He was like: What is the green green thing about anyways?
I was like: (Ohno how I explain) There's a guy in HMT that likes green. And ummm.
He was like: Oh, then she like the guy right.
I was like: Hahahaha.
Freakass easy to guess ahh.
Shan't disclose much about who is that.
He is coming over again later.
Only hear the good stuff and the love songs.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:23 AM
The man who can't be moved