Tuesday, March 31, 2009 3:38 PM
I shall kill my emo-ness.
Will be changing my blogsong soon.
Oh-ho. With some hyperness in between.
And i have relinked those broken links.
Well, someone feels that i gone hyper.
Please read
No updates/ anything
Just listen to the nice music.
And tata
12:51 PM
let's screw our lives together
Winnie is such a bad kid,
she is blogging during Music lesson.
You know what, i dreamt of somebody today morning.
And suprisingly, i didn't even knew the person that well.
And neither he was in my class or a celebrity.
Just some normal student in my level in my school.
Which is like ahem.
I know what is his name lah, he is so famous can.
So anyway.
Then school was fine.
Somewhat boring.
Seriously the chinese teacher can just STFU.
She is seriously boring me out.
I went "DA DONG IS SO SHUAI" all day long today.
Zhou wei and yuhui can be my witness.
zachary today do the whatever conductor thing thing.
Say the pledge until ohmy funny cans.
He was like looking and his watch
Then wondering which hand should he raise
Then he went umm, pledge.
I think everyone bursted their laughter.
Stop looking at my bloody face!
Today i found out the truth about jayjay and ahgirl's story.
OHMY, It is so damn freaking true.
Can i say i feel so awkward now.
I shall take bus today and wonder about the person that i dreamt.
Note to self:
1. Find out more about that person
3. Pass ticket to cherry and Joanne (IMYS!)
4. Continue to ignore MARIA
5. Cut my long long fringe to bangs.
I shall go now.
TATA, loves.
now i know about you now.
Monday, March 30, 2009 7:37 PM
i just can't believe my ears.
Today is such a rocking day.
Huilin cut her hair until so thin so thin.
First lesson science.
Did some assignments correction.
I both assignments get 32. Just one got higher by 1/2 mark.
Then is actually english.
But is p.e
Then so we went down to play without our p.e tee.
Is so very cool.
My contacts lenses is superb uncomfortable cans.
Then went to recess earlier.
So cool.
Then is home econ.
Cook shepard's pie.
Mother tongue super stupid.
Teacher talking about some nouns, adjective and verbs. Blahblah.
Cause shepard's pie very nice so Jinwen started to eat hers.
And all sorts of people started trying to eat hers also.
Then teacher got very angry and ask Jinwen to eat her pie infront of the whole class.
Simin say she want to eat also.
So teacher say we stay back to watch her eat.
Super retarded.
Then english.
Read some article on japanese students.
Inside the article got a question which is so complicated.
But they expect some 9-year old kid to know the answer.
which is WTH.
After that went to eat lunch.
Didn't stay back.
And the freaking retarded chinese teacher go ask Miaoyu to record our names.
Seriously, just whatever.
Then go for guzheng
Ohmy. Walala.
I want also eh.
She say she stand there for like 5 hours still haven't move.
Then she say Arron stomach pain, then face is pale white.
She saw JIRO in like bloody really life.
After that was like haggling around.
I started remembering all the jokes that yq say yesterday.
And the very funny arguement about guys that wear pink.
Esmĕ, Esu.
Okay. That is so inside joke.
Slacked in cca.
After that took some consent form on the SYF rehearsal.
Went home.
Ate mui fan.
Okay, i shall say bye bye now.
jayjay~ and the jet plane. Ahaha.
Sunday, March 29, 2009 9:55 PM
lets all go somewhere emotional together,
Just watched 28 Weeks later.
I like the theme song so much that i am changing my blogsong.
Sorry, ish-wa. But you can have my player if you want my songs badly.
Well, 28 weeks later is the best zombie movie i ever watched.
After watching 28 weeks later,
I still have some horror/thriller movie that i am planning to watch:
1. 28 Days later
2. Cloverfield
3. 30 Days of night
Okay i shall go and change my blogsong now.
we are stuck at nowhere.
4:32 PM
Trying to hold back my overwhelming sadness
Just came back from church.
Today woke up very early(?)
Can consider early larhs.
Clap for me.
Then went to church.
Today's sermon very interesting.
Then went to eat with the youths.
Yu qian was talking about all sorts of nonsensical jokes and sorts.
And the stirup(?) hor fun is so expensive can.
$6 for one plate.
Can kill myself for eating that.
Then they went to watch movie i think.
Stayed in church.
Then go home with mum and sis and her friend.
Haggled around and she went home.
Eating dinner soon.
I stare at the phone and he still hasn't calledIts too long to wait for your answer and i can't wait anymore....
And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothing at all
And you flashback to when he said, Forever and always
Oh, oh
Oh, and its rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and its rains when you're gone
'Cause i was there when you said forever and always.
Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:55 PM
I am back from the Earth Hour.
Its so fun.
But there's not a lot of people that does it.
My other block is still light and bright.
So hah.
Did my chinese journal.
Kinda bored.
My mum lighted a few candles.
Quite fun.
Then when on light again.
I went to facebook.
I shall got eat down my cheesecake
Oh. Haha.
12:52 PM
our memories, forgotten.
I woke up so late today.
Wonder what am i doing yesterday night?
I was watching the '死魂曲' - Forbbiden Siren at Channel U.
I am like so sleepy and tired from yesterday sports carnival.
Then the movie is 11.30p.m to 1.20a.m
11.30p.m i watched the movie.
Then like ten minutes later i fell asleep.
cause i was siting on my mum's sofa bed.
Then i woke up at 12.45 midnight.
the movie was still showing.
Then i watched, nod off and watch nod off.
I think either is the movie too boring or i too tired.
But when i watching the advertisement (esp. To-get-her) i was so energized.
The advertisement made me feel like watching To-get-her. Hah
Okay. Then the show was kinda boring.
Although my mum say is horror show or scary movie.
The story not very interesting.
And all the people that acted like zombie ain't zombie at all.
So yeah, you know *roll eyes*
Slept at 1. 40+
Then woke up at eleven.
Ate breakfast.
and helped to wash fan.
Later going to school for cca.
At 1.15
So yeah well, bye.
Will continue later
(edited at 6.10pm)
Hello, again.
Came back from cca and dinner.
CCA was quite okay, not that boring.
Got the drummer teacher to teach us how to play the timpani.
Quite interesting.
The teacher sometimes funny sometimes quite strict like that.
After that tried out.
I will be playing the (ahaha) triangle.
is like only need to hit 4 times.
I am so extra uhs.
Then went home.
With yuhui. Took the same train as zhangyu and john.
I was so surprise that zhangyu came today.
I think he suddenly become clear in his mind.
lol makes me think of mr.chin.
So L-O-L, haha.
Ate beer beef. Specialty food.
Going to do my chinese journal and prepare for my shu yu.
To do list of the day:
1. Stop facebook-ing
2. Stop playing mafia wars on facebook.
3. Stop bloghopping everyone.
4. Do your work.
5. Stop using the computer
6. Turn off your computer.
7. Stop facebook-ing.
you have long forgotten about me,
you left me standing on a crossroad with a thunderstorm coming.
Friday, March 27, 2009 5:24 PM
you belong with me
I just came back from school.
Everyone went home like at one
And i went home at four
excuse me, do you know why?
cause i have cca that i just can dream or sit and stare away.
damn sian.
okay, nevermind lets talk about sports carnival.
quite fun.
floorball was tiring okay,
i played like two rounds continuously
then captain's ball won the first.
thanks for making 2D1 proud
then floorball won nothing.
hah, and joshua (i pity him) kenna on the head.
and zachary(?) is so chiong man.
he just went wack wack wack and hit hit hit
Ohmy scary.
Never see someone so every hype before.
After sports carnival, went to outside to buy food with yuhui, yankee and xiaotong.
Then went back for guzheng.
So very hungry, started to munch some biscuits.
listen to taylor swift, kelly clarkson during cca.
can you see how slack the cca is right?
then went home with yuhui.
reach home helped to cook.
ate dinner.
now blogging.
i have been waiting for you to sms me the whole day,
have you long forgotten about me?
i am seriously ignoring,
You go hee-hee on more time i am going nuts.
trying hard to salvage this connection
Thursday, March 26, 2009 4:22 PM
I am so grey, please please talk to me.
Just came back from school.
I did so much things today!!
Today was like a super ohmy day.
First lesson was science.
Science test was quite okay.
Second period was english
Summary test was okay.
I just heck-cared my grammar a lots.
Then recess.
Went to eat.
Bought hotdog bun for Yuhui
After that stayed in class.
CE was boring.
After that is mother tongue.
Teacher super crappy.
Talk a lot of rubbish.
Then is geography.
Mrs. teng taught some land fill things.
Then the end.
After that is maths test
My max marks i think i will get is 19/35
(Condition: All the question that i know how to do is correct)
So hah. I am so dead.
Hope the teachers will find that the test is so hard for us,
so they retest us.
But don't think will happen anyway.
Carnival was boring.
Weilin = Crazy.
What's my definition of crazy.
You look at weilin and you will know.
After that stayed back a little.
Did finish the compo.
Goklas was sweeping the floor.
Then after that he went home.
Kehjun was finding the special room 1.
Then first i ask him to go straight up to level 4
Then he came down again.
After that i ask him to go to level 4 guzheng room there.
Then he go to guzheng room.
Stare stare then he went down.
Can say he is seriously very tired from the ups and down of our school.
After that i went home.
Took mrt with yuhui and zhouwei.
Listened to Hilary Duff song.
I shall put a blogsong on my blog.
But it is not hilary duff's.
So yeah,
well bye.
Just tell me if this is the end or what, don't just leave me hanging.
On a dead thread.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 8:28 PM
Did like alot of things on facebook.
Ohmy, i am spending more time on facebook than blogging.
But it's not that bad.
Did some quizzes and some notes.
Go see if you can.
Today change seating arrangement.
I think its quite nice uhs.
And i guess everyone felt okay.
Cause no one suggested to change seat during other classes.
Its like the best seating arrangement bahs.
Ohyeah, talking about school.
I remember today something eerie happen.
I went to school like quite late.
At my mrt station (Commonwealth),
there was like one police and a few mrt station staffs.
I thought was like some normal stuff.
Then i went to clementi.
There is like so much people crammed,
and a lot of police.
I can see someone mopping the floor near one mrt door.
I think something happen lah.
Then went to school.
was almost late.
Ishwa say she saw someone got decapitated by the mrt door.
Which is like so bloody creepy.
Go see that late evening newspaper.
Got say big big there.
The picture make me so grossed out.
Anyway lets not talk about this.
Hmm, geography test o-kay.
Not much things happen today.
So yeah,
Jamie has so much songs of Taylor swift.
I shall go, bye~
tofu heart, tofu brain. HAHA
Saturday, March 21, 2009 11:45 PM
oh, attention seeker. excuse me please stop it.
Uhs. Finally got the time to blog.
Today was FUN!
But tiring (of course).
Yesterday watch some stupid movie until 1 plus.
Then morning woke up at 8+
So very tired cans.
Ate some semi-breakfast.
Went to the bukit gombak.
Then played bowling with church people.
I never really know how to play.
I watched Aaron play before, that time forgot what occasion.
With jiaxuan.
So like semi-knowhow.
Just played.
I quite good at it, (I think)
But my wrist is a bit twisted/sprained.
After that ate at the restaurant.
Ate a lot bowls of rice cause there is like everything else is spicy.
Then went home.
Played monopoly with Ann and sis.
This is like one in the lifetime where i get to play my monopoly.
oh, i really have no freaking people to play with me.
Then watched transformers. (shia labeouf)
For the utmost zillion times. But still enjoyed it.
Went to sleep in the middle of the show.
So very tired.
After that watched the behind part of transformers.
Then went to send Ann off.
Went home, ate and watched some tv.
And here it goes again.
I am here shunning someone in their face.
Excuse me, can you just STOP doing that.
You are telling everyone about you cutting your hand.
Mutilating yourself, i think is not because of your parents.
But i think is because of your freaking attention seeking attitude.
You no longer holds attention on to people.
So using your parents as an excuse you cut your hand.
Tell people that you cut your hand,
changing your msn name all about self-mutilation
and display picture on your cut wrist.
Now they are all talking about you, and sometimes asking me why.
I seriously seriously don't give a damn.
Not my problem, i don't wanna snatch your attention.
Neither am i seeking attention.
What you do seriously disgust me a lot
So stop it, would you.
Stop it.
I shall go to bed bah.
Btw, today raining is so FUN!
Cause the rain blew so hard the my face almost have scratches.
And despite walking in the shelter.
My whole clothing went wet dripping.
the rain made me blue today.
Friday, March 20, 2009 4:18 PM
I am so slack uhs.
I seriously don't know whether is blogger über dumb or what.
I have clicked like the remember me thing
but every time i go blogger again they need me log in again.
I hate remembering my password cans?
Skipped all the sad sad songs in my playlist.
Uhs, don't wanna be blue.
tofu asked me if want to watch dragon ball.
Heh, i watching with my sister on saturday ley.
Sorry sorry.
tofu went to Vivo today again.
Hah, yesterday go and today go again.
Superb love Vivo huh.
Woke up at 10+ today.
I think.
I watched Twilight and HSM3 (again) until 3+ yesterday.
So tired cans.
Then morning quite tired.
Did some maths.
Got very fed up, cause my equations always can't seems to solve.
All some weird weird numbers.
So did some chinese.
Then very slack.
See mum keep on using computer so shuang.
So i went to the room and started playing games.
This is such a slacky slacky life.
Yesterday got (sort of) scolded by tofu
cause i always online but not at my computer
psps, sorry lahhhhhhh~
I am being so randomn.
I haven't finish my holiday homework yet.
Okay, i shall do my chinese now.
So tata.
Maybe i was wrong to say goodbye.
Thursday, March 19, 2009 9:45 PM
Hah. Finally blogging already.
Today was quite fun.
Went to clementi mrt.
Saw ziyi, ruiying and jiahui.
They like cannot recognize me.
And then waited.
Last one was Jinwen.
Met her on the train.
Quite bored when going to pasir ris.
Sms-ed tofu! then listen mp3.
Stare blank.
tofu! going vivo to watch movie.
when reach pasir ris.
took bus to downtown.
then went to escape lah.
first is haunted house.
I was like staring on the floor.
And i go "wah! wah! ah!"
I practically didn't see anything.
then went to play go kart.
Super fun ehs.
But my spectacle was like dropping dropping.
I wear contacts jiu mei shi lerh.
Then went to play viking.
Super dizzy lahs.
I sit with jinwen at the far end.
Then jiahui, ninglu, peace, yinlin sit opposite us.
Then we go wah! *raises hand* when we go up
then they go wah! when they go up.
Quite fun but very very dizzy.
Then play wild and wet.
Very fun.
I was so so so wet.
Then my shirt was transparent.
Went to play the roller coaster.
so fast that i banged myself on the chair.
After that go the eat.
Then went e hub
did like nothing there.
Go home with MIN:D
she was sms-ing and i was listening music.
Mum bought beef ramen for me.
Ate at home.
Then was so tired that i slept like 3 hours.
Can you imagine that.
My sis still haven come back.
Why! Why! I want play bomberman with her ehs.
Shall end here.
See the pictures if you want to at MIN:D's blog.
Sunday, March 15, 2009 12:50 AM
Its going to be 1am soon.
Uhs, blogging in such a late time.
Bloghopping while blogging.
Today is FUN!
Morning went out early with mum and sis to Queenstown shopping centre there.
First went to bank, did some open and closure account thing.
Then went to eat the the market there.
The food super ex lah.
Packed a box of duck meat home cuase cannot finish.
After that went to anchorpoint.
Believe or not we hang there around like till 4 plus.
Went to cold storage.
Did some uhhuhuh funny stuff.
I was so dumb.
then ate some deserts.
Went to bloomington.
I am sad ): cause i don't think i will ever have ticket to ride.
Then sort of hang around and went home.
I think we spend a lot of $ today.
Reached home, did some stuffs.
Then maked pudding.
Ate the ducks.
After that watched some movies.
Like Rachel getting married and Love wrecked.
Ate puddings after watching the first show.
I shall make it again some day.
Love wrecked is such a chick flick.
and i like it
I think Aaron is so so so so cute.
Then did some Al Capone research.
and ahaha, blogging now.
It is like 1.03 am now.
So so cool.
Ohyeah wanna know what did i do yesterday after i blogged.
I gave up and went to bathe.
When i came out of the bathroom DUH!
it was 1.15
So, i actually just gave up sms-ing Mr.gzxlihgugbnihg
And i went to sleep.
In the morning, though i did bring my phone
I still did not sms Mr.gzxlihgugbnihg
Until it suddenly struck me that it was my dog birthday.
So i went.
(charming = my dog's name)
My mum and sis was like
"Ohyeah! Today is charming's birthday. Let's get him some tibits"
So ended up buying tibits for my dog.
What a big joke.
Okay, enough off this crap.
MIN:D post is seriously interesting.
I hope my post will be filled with photos one day.
Long time DREAM huh.
I shall leave the below part to my dear TOFU!
One should not be reading it unless you are my TOFU!
So well, bye.
Dear TOFU!,
If you happen to read this. (Hopefully you do)
I just wanna say, I really really really hope to see you on April 18.
You are just such a great great person,
that you are willing to go anywhere i ask you to (meet me)
Thanks a lot, dear
ILY<3 lots, (I hope you do too!)
Those memories will be replaced....... ended at 1.15am
Friday, March 13, 2009 11:07 PM
Those dreadful and joyful past that I once had, never forgotten
I haven't bathe yet.
I am going to be 夜猫子 today.
After 12 midnight sms finish shall go bathe.
I am pretty sure that i have never ever forgotten about you this year,
despite trying hard to, and I know you hope that i forget also.
BUTBUT, at least you have someone sms-ing you happy birthday right.
Me, that someone so close but yet so far one.
If I talk somemore, i will be in tears soon.
So lets talk about something INTERESTING.
maybe R&K is not what I thought it would be.
Ms. Teo was like 13.8s *insert ms.teo bewildered face*
when i did my shuttle run.
I guess i could have run a lot faster,
if i hadn't scream and shouted while running.
Quite bored lah. Forgot doing what.
Didn't went down for RECESS.
Stay-ed in class.
A lot people stayed like the unusual;
Matthew, Jiahui, Kehjun, Goklas.
Talked to Jerald,
despite his all means to get us out of the class.
Did some letter writing.
It is ohmygosh! Hard cans.
Did some revision and etc etc.
Heard a lot underline a lot of gossips from the two guys behind.
Like the most boring lesson in the world,
excluding MT.
Ate lunch, went up to Guzheng<3 style="font-weight: bold;">tofu! but just quite sian so never keep on sms-ing.
Walked the long way.
Saw Kehjun, Joshua, Hafiz.
Then went home.
Ate steamed egg+tofu+corn = MY FAVORITE FOOD!!
and porridge.
Did some work, and notes.
Researched on Al Capone.
Quite bored.
Going bathe soon.
12 Midnight come soon!!
Don't ever ask me to go out during march holiday.
Its gonna be ugly.
Okay. I shall end here.
And count down the minutes and seconds to midnight.
So byes~
Its just too bad that I did not see your msn.
I wasn't there.
And just if, if you were there for more 10 minutes.
Just waited, you could have seen a reply.
Maybe that's what it have been planned to be.
I'm so sorry ):
Thursday, March 12, 2009 7:32 PM
I am going start off with something lame,
that i remembered from YQ (yu qian).
He went : B1 do you know what we are going to do today?
After church service
Me : *raises eyebrows"
YQ: You must go Yes B2 we are going to do something today
Me: Hmm....
YQ: You all never watch bananas in pajamas before?
Me: .....It's so lame lah
YQ: *singing Bananas in pajamas songs*
I just thought of it just now.
Its really pretty lame
Anyway lets quite this stupid joke now.
Umm, school is oh-so funny lah.
During geog i seriously laugh like shit.
Dimeng keep on going:
Laopo lao po lao po.
Then the mrs.teng went:
Dimeng agency and dimeng this dimeng that.
Dimeng needs clothes and houses.
So funny lah.
Literature was also very funny.
Cause we were watching the video of R&J
then the last scene was Juliet opening her eyes looking romeo
but never call him.
Romeo drank the poison then going to die juliet then touch him.
MIN:D go Wah! why never talk to him one.
Aiyah they all so stupid no wonder all die lah.
HCL was kinda bored.
Teacher say we full of excuses.
And teacher's excuse is because we have alot of excuse.
Saw dimeng at bus interchange.
And took bus home.
Now i am counting down to 37 DAYS!
tofu! bought his psp.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 4:40 PM
You know why?
Cause cca ended early as there was like so less people come today.
So yeah.
Lets talk about school.
First lesson was lit.
Teacher talked about things like *censored*
so hahaha.
guys head is so filled with pork sauce stuff.
then TPI.
was like crazy walk-about.
Ate for recess.
English was still okay.
Did some punctuation.
G gave dimeng sweet,
Dimeng a bit crazy today lah.
Then after that we compete to eat like five clorets in our mouth.
so minty cans.
Then is science.
Did some sort of revision
After that mother tongue.
I have super confidence in my test.
Hope i can get full marks.
Then i will be grinning.
After that is maths.
Mr.chua was teaching simultaneous equations.
Then was cca.
End cca like around 3 plus.
Walked with Da qiang
He ask me :"You going home ah?"
I say :"Ya, of course or else leh."
Da qiang: " You like that answer me no wonder no boys like you."
Me: Uhs, then you want how to answer you
Da qiang: Must say, of course go home or else go your home ah
Me: *roll eyes* Isn't this the same?
Da qiang: *roll eyes* no.
Next time got any this kind of question must ask da qiang the love guru.
Then go home.
Sms-ed tofu!
Not going to buy psp with tofu! lerhs.
Okay lets change topic.
The dear diary thing wasn't as funny as i thought i were.
I got the person right.
It wasn't funny.
But anyway, i enjoy being bright.
Kehjun got a list that says things that you must do to make me happy.
I want it lah.....
Okay, i shall not be guai lan anymore.
And tata.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 8:50 PM
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
Thinking of you - Katy Perry
Devastating day.
Today there was assembly,
and there was a video by 4C1 about self discipline.
I was upset because i didn't see jay~ in that video.
How got they do this.
And the ending of Shamaine made me feel very *ahem*
shall not offend anyone here. Haha.
Okay but anyway.
Maths was o-kay.
Science was somewhat interesting.
Cause i was like explaining to Huilin all the chim chim part
Didn't go for recess.
Sms-ed FUJIapple, Jamwaffles, cheesecake and tofu!
Just to say they are one smae person okay?
Just have too many names.
Then was mother tongue
watched some cheesy video.
Dots dots dots.
Music was speeding like fast.
English was haish.
So yeah, disappointing day.
Carnival was like at least a little fun.
Cause colin was like blinking and i blinked back and blink on and on.
Like idiots.
Anyway then went home.
Happy lah.
Helped her install her wireless adapter.
That thing is so uber crazy lah.
Then after that was sms-ing.
With huilin and tofu!
Sometimes i feel tofu! very despo seh.
Okay, i shall end here.
你是我 小心维护的梦
我疲倦地享受着 谁也无法代替的光芒
我是我 一碰就碎的太阳
太阳 by 陈绮贞
Monday, March 9, 2009 6:53 AM
I am like blogging in morning
can call me crazy uhs.
anyway later can blog again
cause got cm.
today'll be a short day.
Sms you at cca uhs.
(Contiued at 10.46am)
Ahahaha, finally decided to blog at com lab lerhs.
I was like facebooking when they are doing serious work.
Muahahaha, then do some quizzes that joanne tagged me.
Took brian's quiz to do.
He is like so ahahaha, he like PINK seh.
Anyway there's a quote that goes.
Tough guys wear pink.
Anyway, everyone is like bloghopping and blogging.
So funny lah, no one want to do CM work lah.
Now is super boring.
I want to sms ley.
But dunno what to sms.
Ahaha, i shall continue blogging when i go home.
(Continued at 7.08pm)
I am back again.
Eating/Playing/Blogging with two computer.
Pro right.
My mum brought her office comp home.
Is like two comp on a table.
So cool.
At cca kenna scolded like OMG.
And i was like smsing.
Then i say i kenna scolded liao.
Then he keep on saying sorry to me.
Dont say sorry lah, not your fault.
After that end cca sms him but never reply.
So i am waiting.
Maths class that time
Mr.chua was showing us the result.
I got better than Huilin.
Mr. Chua: She is your shun you (bad friend) lah.
She get so much better than you but she also got talk to you
Huilin: Ya lor ya lor. Aiyah you dont talk to me lah.
Me: *laughing hysterically*
That ass failed everything except for Maths.
And he can still laugh and joke to his (shun you) friend.
When i reach home i change my msn name.
Cause i told sis then she say i very offensive.
I seriously dont think it is any offensive.
Since that you can still joke around,
scolding vuglarities and every end of your sentence.
I don't think that is even offending you.
I don't understand why some people are just that blind.
Can't see that others are leading you to the wrong direction.
You said that you need stead.
Yes, but do you think someone wants a loser like you?
You ask me why i ignore you,
you know why cause i don't talk to losers like you.
At least Huilin still got better than you,
at least she still regretted, she still feel very ashamed to tell her parents.
I guess, you don't care at all right?
I seriously need someone to calm me down.
Let's talk about something happier bah.
Today only i give Kehjun birthday present seh.
I thought hidayah will give him.
Sian sian uhs.
Ziyi and Ruiying knows why.
Haha, shhh.
Dont tell okay??
I like to keep my happiness in my heart. HAHA.
Okay, bye~
I going to take out contacts lerh
Sunday, March 8, 2009 9:23 PM
Today was quite fun and interesting.
Went to church,
then had the proverbs lesson.
After that worship.
then went to eat lunch with the youths.
or more likely watching them eat
Cause i ate breakfast so just watch them eat.
yu qian ate like one fish soup and a beef hor fun.
That alot cans.
Then after that went back.
Had fellowship and waited for sister to come out.
went to sheng siong with mum.
to buy crab and food for dinner.
after that went back home.
eat alot of crab and watched slumdog millionaire.
It is very nice!
The last scene in the movie was so bollywood.
After that watched some oscar stuff.
Now watching Stardust.
Anyway, then i have things to do in march holiday lerhs.
I am going out at wednesday.
Which is like one simple day.
One month after is april 18 which is carnival.
I sell like ALOT of tickets already lah.
So very happy.
But i am not going to tell teacher until the last day of collection.
(Robert's technique)
Anyway then is about it.
Ya, so BYE~
Saturday, March 7, 2009 10:30 PM
I am not going to start my post wishing some ass and joshua happy birthday.
Too bad, joshua can have a happy birthday but you can't have it.
Yesterday was devastating.
Never say being someone's lightbulb when they know secrets from you.
So haha, somemore its it a group convo.
Very devastating.
Anyway, today did quite more or less nothing.
Which leaves me with a empty gao zhi.
I have no zhou ji to write.
Ohmygosh larhs.
Today mum's colleague was at home.
Talking with me.
Is like so very fun.
Anywyay have some companion at home feels great lah.
Then went like nowhere today.
except went to church's friends house to have gathering there.
now is so very tired.
*dozing off sooner or later*
Still have to bathe...
Hope i can get enough money to buy present for people.
Dots dots dots dots dots.
Is someone else's thankyouverymuch.
BUT ANYWAY, Hope the best for that day.
I have too many to claim.
Oh haha.
So yeah, byebye.
Btw, i not angry with what yesterday anymore.
Friday, March 6, 2009 2:54 PM
I will never forget.
Today is so T-I-R-E-D.
Ran like FIVE rounds.
So tired.
Then jay~ was also there.
With his class running.
Then simin was like eh you like this guy right.
Want to sabotage me.
But anyway after running felt very light-headed.
Almost like fainting lah.
Then is maths.
I was talking to Huilin :D
Too overboard that Mr.Chua was very pissed off.
OMG, Sorry!
After that recess, did not go down.
Was spamming the whiteboard.
After was MT.
Li lao shi never until very late.
But after that she still came lah.
Then is science.
Huilin is telling me about Joel's hair.
Joel's hair made her cannot concentrate in a bad way
Then is lit.
Watch romeo and juliet the *ahem* rated part.
after that took photo with MIN.
Then went to discuss about maths project.
After that ate lunch in school.
Go home with yuhui.
don't bombard my msn.
I want to watch RED CLIFF.
Yesterday wanted to watch but Mr *ahem* :(
Made me cannot watch.
So haha, i am going to watch now!
Yeah, byes :D
Thursday, March 5, 2009 4:48 PM
Actually wanted to post ytd.
But, sis was at home. Kinda paiseh to blog.
Heh, today was kinda fun.
Didn't see yu hui at mrt.
But saw Goklas.
Then i ask him for sweeeeet so he very kind give me lollipop.
Kind people give sweet deh.
ahem, JQ must learn okay!! BUY ME SWEETS AND I WILL BE HAPPY!
So anyway, go to school as usual.
Then science mr.chin never come.
English did filing and do some correction on the compre test.
I got heheh 14/20
I was like WOOHOO!
Actually not, i was like *glum*
then recess ate like little (:
CE did some oscars
quite fun lah.
but i ended with no job.
Cause none of them fit each other.
Then mt was bored.
Almost fell asleep.
Maths was okay.
Did some work.
Stuck at some question.
Geography Ms.Tan come again.
Quite sian.
Finally had some funess.
Our product(booth) is so over funny lah.
From hairspray to waxing, from car wash to wash hair.
Still regret that i am not in 2C1!
But anyway had fun joking with Colin today.
So thats the end.
Oh btw, you know i just got added into the Clementi Town Sec Sch network in facebook.
Took me so very longgg.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 9:35 PM
Today, i was a LIGHTBULB.
Class was uhhuh.
And after school was OMG.
I am destined to fail my chiense test.
I practically sleep thorugh my compre.
I was like nodding *sleep* nodding *sleep*
I ask Mr. Chua to help me ask the mentoring thing.
Then i went to walk walk around the Clementi neighborhood.
With Ruiying and Kehjun.
Yeah, so i guess you know what happen bah.
Felt very *ahem* disconnected.
Then go to library for the comic talk thing.
The stupid plywood is killing me!!
Then i quickly chiong up for the SC interview.
I was like so nervous, i saw Vivi (the senior that drew my eyeliner)
After that went in that time,
my face got redder and redder like tomato.
Ohmygosh, super paiseh can.
Then i alot of the question like never answer like that.
The teacher laugh like ....
Sometimes i have the courage to do some stuffs,
but sometimes i just ohmygosh them.
After that took mrt home.
Talk about some ghostly stories to Ishwa.
Do me a favour and read kehjun's blog okay.
You know what i mean by lightbulb-ing today.
Sayonara (psps, i have long long long never touch my jap book lerh)
Shame shame.
Okay seriously, BYE~~
Sunday, March 1, 2009 8:40 PM
Today went church.
Bored a bit.
Then library-ed.
And yah, not much happened.
So, I shall do a quiz.
From: Ruiying. (ZOMG, i should seriously relink everyone)
How serious are your feelings for the person you like?
Oh, super duper ultra mega serious. (I think so.)
Have you ever met a gay person?
DUH! Same as ruiying. ZHANG YU IS SO GAY LUHH.
Do you have a favorite soft drink?
Diet Coke.
Have you ever made someone jealous INTENTIONALLY ?
Are you serious, DUH!
Do you watch college sports?
What do you think about scene/emo kids?
Scary. Bum bum de dum disturbia scary.
Do you live close to the person you like?
Oh how do you say that? 远在天边,近在眼前.
Did you dress up for halloween this past year?
Do you flirt with people while in a relationship?
Erm, nah.
Who was your last phone call that was over an hour with?
Miss Neo Weilin.
Are you listening to any music?
Yes. OMG, do you think i live at a cave?
What's something you're excited about right now?
Country or rock?
Country. (Taylor swift, muahaha)
Do you have a picture of you kissing someone?
Oh nope.
Do you think your ex still loves you?
Seriously, i don't care.
What movie never fails to make you cry?
Titanic. I laughed like shit during the cold water part.
Are you talkative?
Any plans for tonight?
Sms till 12.
Has someone ever told you they loved you and meant it?
I guess so *scratch head*
Suppose you see your crush kissing another person?
Oh, i will pretend i didn't see it.
Something interesting happen lately?
JQ IS COMING TO CARNIVAL, need me to repeat it again.
Well, haha.
What is bothering you right now?
Going to make my braces and things lots blah blah.
What was the last thing you ate?
Dinner. Mee.
Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on friendster?
Eh, facebook it would be Brian.
Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
Yes. Eh, like alot of things.
Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot ?
Oh yes, want me show you? :DDDDDDDD
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru?
Go in lah, no drive-thru in Singapore ley.
Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
Do you eat healthy?
I guess so.
Does your password have to do with a boy?
Umm, some have to do with Mr.(Ahhemm)
What's a fact about the last person who had their arms around you?
That person is my mum. Lols.
What do you currently hear right now?
Noise from tv, laughter and so.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
G200 blu.
Do you know anyone that smokes weed?
Erm, haha. Shall not disclose anyone hear.
How long does it take you to shower?
Long lah.
Are you a jealous person?
I guess so. I think my latest short form will be IGS.
Has someone ever made you a Build-a-Bear?
Next quiz,
1. Who was your last text from?
2. Where was your default picture taken?
3. Whats your middle name?
4. Whats on your mind?
Umm, huh?
5. Does your crush/GIRLfriend/BOYfriend like you back?
Not sure. I can't ask now right?
6. What is your current mood?
7. What is your mom's name?
8. What color shirt are you wearing?
Purple/ White
9. Are you close with your dad?
Do you think so? Nope.
10. If you could go back in TIME and change something, would you?
11. Have a crazy side?
Duh! Camping makes me loco.
12. Ever had a near death experience?
Not really.
13. Something you do a lot?
Draw draw.
14. Angry at anyone?
Not now.
15. Favorite Month?
August. Where there is my birthday and alot others.
16. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Umm, i don't know.
17. When was the last time you cried?
Long time ago.
18. If you could have one super power what would it be?
Read people's mind. Twilight influence-d
19. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Shirts bah.
21. Favorite TV show(s)?
X family, Hana kimi. Lots lah. Mythbuster
22. Do you still watch kiddy movies?
Yes. Barbie and the diamond castle rocks alright.
23. What are you eating or drinking at the moment ?
24. Do you speak any other language?
Chinese andd Japanese.
25. Whats your favorite smell?
Seriously, umm?
26. Describe your life in one word.
27. Have you ever kissed in the rain?
28. Ever kissed on the beach?
29. What are you thinking about right now?
Umm, haha. Not telling you.
30. What should you be doing?
Studying for chinese test.
31. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
My sis.
32. What are you listening to?
Noise form music.
33. Do you like working in the yard?
34. Do you ever want to get married?
Haha, *blush*
35. Do you act differently around the person you like?
36. What is your natural hair color?
Brown black. Under the sun.
37. Who was the last person to make you smile?
38. What is your favorite meal at your favorite fast food restaurant?
Chicken foldover.
39. Do you cut out coupons?
40. Whats the weirdest thing under your bed?
12 evian water bottles from my grandma.
I shall continue to sms, JQQQQQQ~