Friday, January 30, 2009 8:51 PM
Just got to make this quick.
Umm, today pleasant day at first.
Guzheng was practically funny.
Zhangyu made alot of jokes,
which i blasted in laughter for many times.
He say he want sell me his psp seh.
Anyway, went home got scolded for not closing the door.
Because my dog barked, so now onwards door shall be closed all times.
Ate udon, and then did some work.
Bathed and now blogging.
Below is for someone in the my class.
You know why people in class dislike you?
Because you are always criticizing about our school.
Yeah, well we talked about criticizing.
You said that you did last year.
You still criticize about our school now.
After the o level result you said that what school scored how well and all those.
But the fact is that you are stuck here, if that school is so good.
Well why not you go there, but you are stuck here.
Not that i am saying our school is that good or whatever,
but at least i have gave up criticizing this school since i am stuck.
or possibly given the chance of changing but did not.
And second is that you ask some (stupid) question.
In my way of saying stupid, it means that you act dumb.
You act dumb, despite you are good in that or rather understand it.
Just simply asked that (possibly) because you wanted to act dumb.
People feel very demoralized by that you know?
Maybe not all but i feel demoralized okay.
Like example last year.
You are alot better than me english, i know that.
And at EOY you told me to tutor you in english.
Perhaps you wanted someone to say you are good in english,
but you do not need to do until this way right.
I feel extremely demoralized by your words.
I wasn't that good in english and,
you expect me to tutor someone that is alot better than me english.
It is such a insult. If i ask you to teach me geography,
because (i think) you are so good in geography.
Won't you feel insulted?
So try to stop doing all those thing.
Although maybe i am the only that feel that.
And maybe it is not my buisness to change your character
But really, if you can't change i can't accept being your friend
Okay, tomorrow is the BIG DAY.
Hope hope hope i can buy psp tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 5:34 AM
Woke up so very early.
Anyway i looked in my msn and guess what.
No one is online except for yangkai and some auto-bots.
So there is like 138 offlines and 2 onlines.
So in total i have one hundred forty peoples.
but of course i don't talk to every of them,
like zinwai, i add him but never had any convo with him almost at all.
mostly is joint convo but still i don't talk.
So going to clean up my contacts soon.
Continue blogging later,
continued at 3:31 pm....
Back from school lerhs.
So early, cause today no cca.
i didn't know that and i was so happy that i jumped up and down in the canteen.
can you imagine that?
Fuji apple wasn't back from fuji mountain.
So yah, whatever.
Then mother tounge was like crap.
science was bored.
maths was sianned.
english was just still okay.
tpi was super crappy.
but at least they settled with class tee shirt.
during maths i was talking to dimeng about psp.
i am planning to buy at saturday,
anyone wants to pei me?
but checking out the prices right
and on the internet all those.
PSP 3007 on ebay(only one selling) is $444.
Which bundle with 8gb card and final fantasy game.
anchorpoint sell PSP 3007 $324
bundle with 4gb card, screen protector, crystal case and a case.
ya so i dunno which one is more hua suan.
then dimeng say he buy what psp slim and the thick one.
he so rich lah.
but kinda expensive.
he buy at bugis.
maybe checking out the clementi game store.
anyway, whatever i am saying is mostly jumbled up so don't care me.
told kehjun i was buying and his face was like (crap).
cause he want buy but he cannot buy so haha.
ohyeah, i saw WANGJIAHUANG!!
I clearly dunno why i am so happy/ excited.
but i saw him okay.
means we took the same mrt.
ohmygosh lah.
i was like going down the escalator,
and he was like just going walking to the escalator.
i think he saw me but i didn't say hi neither did he.
so yah.
anyway, zhongni is so famous until mr.zhujiahui also know him sia.
jiahui today damn gay leaning on leeyi's shoulder lah.
which was like HAHAHA.
again i shall say,
my things are jumbled up so just heck care.
Saturday, January 24, 2009 11:26 AM
Okay, anyway yesterday's performance was OMG.
Cause i look like a bloody idiot.
From Mr. Chairman,
he say i look like i emo-ing at the corner dunno do what.
Which actually i was smiling cans.
Then Annie 老师 came with us to american school.
Which i got even more panicked.
Then american school was like crap.
But the children damn enthu lah.
They were like partically bouncing around when they heard the cny songs.
which omg.
shocked me thoroughly.
must practise more during CNY.
anyway, i got my first ang-pao liao.
Anyway yah, so okay.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:48 AM
Blogging at school computer yeah.
Lollipop lah.
Cause today music lesson then teacher say very fast.
Got follow can play internet. YEAH YEAH.
Later go home continue blogging bahs.
Sian, go home cannot blog because sis keep on watching ley.
Okay, late continue blogging. Yeeyeah.
Friday, January 16, 2009 2:03 PM
Back from camp.
Change blogskins liao.
Butbut not i design one, sadd:(
Anyways, kind of sad.
People that saw my face probably would know i am sad.
Just trying to act hyper on last day.
I feel giddy man.
In some way or the other.
I think i would be highly eligible for SC this year.
Which was like LOL.
Ting Jia( hope is correct spelling) and Koh Feng(again, spelling might be wrong)
was our facilitators.
so F-U-N.
Anyway, games where fun cheers were interesting.
And Simin kind of buay song me.
But anyway, i have totally no mood in describing the fun stuff.
I am seriously emo-ing.
Something happened in the camp, and i just dunno what to do.
Possibly i think to much.
I guess maybe monday then i shall start talking about CAMP NOVA.
i don't want to get hurt again,
letting me down, and getting away.
i don't to let my emotions spill.
so i'm staying away from you.
just that please,
even if you do want.
don't say those words now.
I am so emo until i wanted to buy breezer to drink.
JKJK. But anyway i was like hey there is breezer in the shop.
YQ say must drink when you're happy when there is something to celebrate for,
not to drink because you are sad.
But this is just plain joke.
I didn't really drink breezer lah.
I like CAMP NOVA because of,
Lollipop-ing great.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 5:15 PM
Today when i was taking to mrt.
I looked emo i guess,
which there was a senior that said to another senior.
why she looked so emoooo.
probably not talking about me.
anyways, then i reach school.
gave yankee the costume.
which was phew~! finally.
then after that asked claris to tie the tie for me.
then go for assembly.
changed assembly arrangement.
then principal started talking about 'o' levels result.
which from yuhui, it sucked big time :/
then but principal was happy,
so we get to just come to school for chinese new year celebration.
but anyway after that there is guzheng at some american school.
so which means we still have to go home late.
oh no!
then mother tongue.
sucks big time.
the newspaper haven't come teacher expect us to do jian bao.
which only yujia did, i was like WTH -.-"
then teacher never li (react) to kehjun.
so which was like Zzz.
then was maths.
dimeng, huilin and i was like asking goklas how to do the algebra.
which apparently we know his smartness now.
then was recess.
drank barley soup,
and ate a piece of yuhui's tofu.
then was home econ's.
teacher talked about something quite meaningful,
which my mother always tell me.
so yah.
anyway then teacher said something gross also.
then anyway,
after that was science.
have some pretty gross experiment.
our benedict test was blue,
so you know what actually happen then.
played truth or dare.
i almost scared to death.
cause dimeng asked goklas who he like in this class.
then they were like argue-ing/discussing cause he don't want tell us(huilin and me)
then he suddenly call me winnie the pooh.
which i almost shocked to death lah.
anyway the answer is not be told.
then was english.
continued on personal recount.
and did some quick write.
went to assembly for briefing.
so is expecting to go for camp (sort of)
i went home with a pretty sad face.
my mp3 has lots of emo song.
kehjun, joel, shoon jiat(robert), joshua took the same bus.
they want to go queenstown shopping mall.
which was like (LAME)
Changing blogskin.
Monday, January 12, 2009 7:19 PM
Posting again. Yippee.
Today was kind of a kns day.
First was chinese.
I think i bailed the test so very much lah.
Forgot to wear p.e tee, then borrowed from jiaxuan.
Then was crappy p.e where all the shitty stuff happen.
We walked around the netball court for
Because we were late for p.e lesson.
Then that freakass bunch of retards keep leavnig gap.
Freaking angry with them lah, they just slowly take their time and slowly walked.
And most angry about is matthew was one of them.
But anyway Ms. Teo let us off for recess when the bell rang.
Can say that i was pretty sweaty.
But dried it for JIAXUAN:D
then drank water didn't eat recess.
Then was english.
Mrs. Sng is fun.
Read the Jailbird Bach.
After that was Maths.
Forget to bring report book again. Haha.
Do algebra, Goklas damn fast finish.
Then don't know what is his problem.
Keep on say give me your handphone.
Then i was like huh? What you want it for?
After then he say nevermind then ask again after a short while.
After that was art.
Got homework to do.
Forgot to bring art material.
Which was like oh crap.
Can't wait for aspire camp.
Hope i was with someone i know.
When going home listen to this song,
Oxygen : Colbie Calliat.
he was sunshine, i fell over.
oh baby, if i was your lady i would make you happy.
i'll never gonna leave, never gonna leave.
oh baby, i would be your lady.
i'm going crazy for you.
No one knows how i feel right now,
But..... I'm not going to tell you.
Friday, January 9, 2009 7:03 PM
Kind of moody.
Mainly because of my headache,
Secondly because of the MV of "Because of you" that Mrs. Chan showed us.
I never saw to MV before, possibly yes just that never really saw it.
Broken family.
Just suddenly make me feel sad about it.
And thirdly also that some reasons and disappointment.
Didn't wear contacts today,
cause eyes abit red, and can't put the contacts in.
OMG, I guess i'm getting dry eyes soon.
Today first lesson was P.E.
Ms. Teo (i guess i didn't spell it wrong) was our p.e teacher
then was Science at lab.
Sitting with the normal bunch in the classroom.
Hmm, wonder that is bad or good.
Next was recess didn't eat.
I guess i will soon get some gastric cancer or something.
Then was Maths.
Did algebra, asked Goklas some algebra question.
He is good at algebra.
Then because Goklas was (very) interested in Ruiying.
He just keep on asking question.
So Dimeng as usual started spreading rumours.
Anyway, then was Lit.
I don't really like Mrs. Chan anyway.
But whatever.
Then was Geography.
Kind of boring.
I like Ms. Haslinda more.
Anyway, then was guzheng.
Screwed up i guess
Keep on playing the wrong beat.
But also because of the retard octopus,
I play wrong beat.
He is the main drummer which i follow his beat.
Then he suddenly slow down.
Not much homework to do.
I guess thats it.
Can't wait for monday, man.
Thursday, January 8, 2009 9:50 PM
I guess i am going to start blogging again.
Haha. A new year is a new start.
So i deleted all my post.
Would anyone say yippee?
And changed my link.
Still working on the skin.
New guy in the class call Goklas which is like go class.
Full of class spirit huh.
First few days not bad.
Then HCL Chinese teacher is IRRITATING.
Kehjun pissed off by her today.
Mrs. Cheong showed us some (i think) meaningful video.
Just and extra effort, just one more degree.
You can watch it yourself.
Watched Hancock today,
felt kinda sad.
Even they were made for each other,
But when they become together they loses their power.
And grow old and die.
I guess it would be nice to grow old together,
But they will be weak.
Its different from other superman shows.
Not like the never-ending batman or superman.
And that scene where Will Smith jumps off the hospital and fly away.
That scene is really nice but really sad,
every mile he goes away, the girls heartbeats.
Okay let me end this here.